Post Frame Building: DIY vs. Contractor
You’ve spent countless hours dreaming and researching building a post frame building. There’s a perfect spot on your lot and you’ve convinced your significant other that this dream is a very functional and practical addition to your property. The time has come for your build to become a reality. The question to answer is to DIY or use contractor?

There are many pros to a DIY project. When you have the equipment and know-how you may be able to save a lot of money. If you have the time to hunt down bargains or use re-purposed or on sale materials, you will be able to save even more. You will also be 100% in control of the design and can customize your build completely as you go. You can work at your own pace and according to what resources you have available. You can also pause the project penalty-free if funds become tight.
However, while a DIY project can be a great learning opportunity, it can also become a money and time drain if inexperience continually causes setbacks, mistakes, and wasted materials. A DIY project can also take too much time if you are learning on-the-go or only able to put in time between regular work hours. Those repurposed materials that were so thrifty will probably require a lot of time before they are prepped and ready for use. Pulling nails out of boards of sanding off peeling paint can be a relaxing way to let off steam or it can be a frustrating time-consuming chore. Depending on your abilities and resources that are available to you, a DIY project can be a budget-friendly blessing or a time-consuming curse.

Using a contractor should mean that you can pass your dream into the capable hands of professionals and relax while it becomes a reality. There will be a cost for labor, but contractors often have deals with material suppliers ensuring you are getting a quality product for the best price.
The extra expense on professional labor should result in quick and efficient work resulting in a quality product. Customizing your build should be possible but will most likely come with a price tag. Why has the word “should” been used so often in this paragraph? One of the biggest cons of using a contractor is the fact that you could be stuck with a less than reputable company rather than a company that is driven by excellence.
An untrustworthy, corner-cutting, unlicensed, or uninsured contractor can end up costing you more, in order to make themselves a profit. An unprofessional contractor could result in time wasted or unnecessary setbacks pushing your date of completion farther and farther away. That’s why it is so important to have a reputable contractor on your side. Milmar has years of experience and satisfied customers under our tool belt and has developed systems to make sure we stay on track for our clients.
We've even worked with some clients that have the skills to do some of the prep or the finishing work, while we handle the bulk of the main build itself. This can be a way to save on your build (if you have the skillsets to do some of the work) without having to sacrifice the structural integrity or the time it may take you to do all of it by yourself.

We have efficient teams that can help bring your unique design needs to life, within a reasonable and established timeline. Our contracts with quality suppliers result in the best materials at the best cost going into your build. We guarantee all of our work. If you have the skills and time available to DIY a post frame building, that is great! If not, save time and invest your money in your dream barn by working with Milmar on your future post frame build.
*Originally published July 18, 2019